Årsmøte i ISOC Norge 13. mars 2024

  • Sted: Rebel, Universitetsgata 2, 0164 Oslo


  • 18:00: Keynote session: Bjørn Remseth: “Ramblings about future regulation of artificial intelligence (AI)”
  • 19:00: Årsmøte ISOC Norge

Zoom link for ekstern deltakelse finner du her.

Dokumenter til årsmøtet vil bli fortløpende lagt ut.

Saker til årsmøte må sendes til post[@]isoc.no innen 12. februar 2024.

Etter årsmøtet samles vi på Skråplanet, Rebel.


  • Sak 1 Godkjenning av innkalling og saksliste
  • Sak 2 Valg av møtestyrer
  • Sak 3 Valg av referent
  • Sak 4 Valg av to personer til å skrive under protokollen
  • Sak 5 Godkjenning av årsrapport
  • Sak 6 Godkjenning av regnskap forrige periode
  • Sak 7 Budsjett for 2024
  • Sak 8 Medlemsavgift
  • Sak 9 Valg av styremedlemmer
  • Sak 10 Vedtektsendringer
  • Sak 11 Eventuelt


        • SAK 5: Årsrapport for 2023 (rev)
        • SAK 6: REGNSKAP 2023
        • SAK 7: Budsjett for 2024
        • SAK 8: Medlemsavgift
          Det foreslås ingen medlemsavgift-endring for 2024. Medlemsavgift er dermed fortsatt kr. 0.
        • SAK 9: Valg av styremedlemmer:
          Følgende personer foreslås valgt for perioden 2024-2026:
          Steinar Grøtterød
          Thilina Pathirana
          Joar R. Rasmussen
        • SAK 10: Vedtektsendringer
          Article 6: The Board
          6.7. The Chair and the Treasurer have separate authority each to sign on behalf of the ISOC Norway Chapter. The Chair has the authority to ordain procura.
          Proposed updates:Article 6: The Board
          6.7 a) The Chair and one board member can sign for the organisation.
          6.7 b) The Chair is procurist alone.Rationale: This is in accordance with common accounting principles.


          Article 4: Annual Meeting4.2. The Annual meeting elects the Board and votes on issues including:
          4.2.1 The budget for the current calendar-yearProposed updates:Article 4: Annual Meeting
          4.2.1 Any changes to the membership fee
          4.2.2 Changes for the ISOC Norway Chapter bylawsRationale: The GA shall not vote on the proposed budget but take a note of the proposed budget. This is in accordance with common accounting principles.
        • SAK 11: Eventuelt

Keynote session

Bjørn Remseth: “Ramblings about future regulation of artificial intelligence (AI)”

I will look at some possible, more and less plausible, directions AI can take. I will outline some basic directions for future developments of both harm and good to justify that there is a balance to be struck between them, and then argue that regulation can be useful to keep AI mostly beneficial for humanity. I’ll consider some drivers of the development of AI, in particular finance, hardware and algorithms. Then I’ll look at some trends that ride on the fundamentals: Generative AI, regression/classification on steroids, robotics, virtual reality/augmented reality. These trends, and more, will challenge our concepts of what intellectual property, possession, privacy and maybe also violence and coercion is. I will offer some ideas on how to regulate, and how liberal or draconian it makes sense to be.

A disclaimer is in order: While I am doing this in my role as vice president of Electronic Frontier Norway (efn.no), what I’m presenting is not the policy of EFN, it is part of the discussion we have that eventually ends up in EFN policy. These are my ramblings.

Bjørn Remseth is employed developing software for a large international company. He is educated as Cand. Scient. in Informatics at the University of Oslo.

ICANN Training Series – Nordics: Detecting Shutdowns and Estimating Their Impact, The Internet Society Pulse Efforts

ICANN Training Series – Nordics: Detecting Shutdowns and Estimating Their Impact, The Internet Society Pulse Efforts

  • Date (Time is in UTC): Wed, 13 Sep 2023 – 12:00 to 12:45
  • Where: Zoom (please register)
  • Event by Group: ICANN Organization

At the Internet Society, we believe that the Internet is for everyone and our work aims to ensuring that the Internet remains open, globally connected, secure, and trustworthy. Artificial Internet Limitations, including shutdowns, are deliberate actions that limits access to the Internet, in direct opposition to the vision of open Internet.

This session looks at how we can monitor and detect shutdowns, based on multiple resources and tools. We will also look at the Calculator, a new feature we’ve added to the Pulse platform to provide an estimate of the economic outcomes of Internet shutdowns by way of a rigorous methodology.

Speaker: Hanna M Kreitem, Senior Advisor, Internet Technology and Development, ISOC

Registration here: https://icann.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_-BrQmEpGQ1WirAz072i4sg

Geographic Region: Europe
Contact Name: Gabriella Schittek, gabriella.schittek[@]icann.org